


WebAccess/SCADA is a comprehensive data acquisition and visualization solution. As a 100% web-based SCADA system, this innovative product offers a user-friendly interface and advanced features. With WebAccess/SCADA, you can effortlessly oversee all industrial processes, enhance device performance, boost efficiency, and minimize cost. The versatility of WebAccess/SCADA is demonstrated through its extensive support for various protocols and drivers, enabling seamless connectivity with over 450 controllers and devices. Additionally, its intelligent dashboard empowers users to personalize information pages, conduct cross-platform data analysis and more.


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    Millisecond-level data acquisition

    Collect data from 450+ devices including PLCs, energy meters, and sensors through multiple protocols, such as MQTT, OPC UA, Modbus and BACnet.

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    2D and 3D visualizations

    Customize cross-platform dashboards with 50+ built-in panels.

    Reconstruct on-site environment with 3D modeling.

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    Reporting and analysis

    Create data-rich reports with Excel and send alarm notifications via SMS, email, or apps.

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    Open interface

    Offers several types of interfaces, including RESTful API, Windows API, and ODBC, for flexible application development.

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    Vertical data integration

    Integrates with existing management systems, such as MES/ERP

    Integrates with cloud services including Advantech WISE-IoT, Azure, AWS, Ali cloud, and more.

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    Redundant SCADA architecture

    In the event that the master node becomes unavailable, a redundant backup node will promptly assume control and seamlessly continue operations.


  • Data Control and Visualization

    WebAccess/SCADA comes with tools for creating customized visualization, meaning that unique dashboard interfaces can be developed according to industry requirements

  • Data Control and Visualization

    WebAccess/SCADA comes with tools for creating customized visualization, meaning that unique dashboard interfaces can be developed according to industry requirements

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