IoT Edge


IoT Edge is an edge computing stream data processing software services, which allows you to access, collect, calculate and forward data near the edge of terminal devices or data source. It meets the basic requirements of the industry in real-time business, application intelligence, security and privacy protection, etc. Software Features: • Supports data collection from common industrial equipment and industrial systems, with the ability to expand data access through plugin-based methods • Seamless integration with Advantech WebAccess, EdgeLink, and other data collection tools for faster deployment • Unified access, management, and operation & maintenance of diversified devices • Includes data pre-processing capabilities, supporting data


  • 01

    Flexible Developer Space

    • Software defined math index, high level script for data process • Software defined plug-in interface for special type machine protocol • Support variable data forwarding API

  • 02

    Cloud-Edge Collaboration

    • Data, services, and applications collaborate between cloud and edge. • Unified cloud management of all edge nodes.

  • 03

    Lightweight and Easy to Start

    • Runs minimunly on 0.3 Core. • Supports various deployment methods(k8s/windows/docker).

  • 04

    Data Analysis

    • Analyzes and processes data at the edge. • Visualize insightful data and historian.

  • 05

    Safe and Reliable

    • Device access & encrypted data transmission security. • Device heart beat detection through internal networks.

  • 06

    Outstanding Performance

    • Single instance supports 100,000/s data collection. • Handles millions of message forwarding.


  • Homepage

    Displays an overview of device and message usage, including statistics on device online/offline status, device model statistics, and device message and data forwarding statistics.

  • Device Module

    Create a group of devices with similar features is defined as a "device model". Based on the device model, devices can be quickly deploy, and they inherit the capabilities of the device model.

  • Device Detail

    Device management provides features such as device lists, device status, basic device information display, quick filtering and search, as well as import and export functions.

  • Data Forwarding

    Supports data forwarding after cleaning and filtering. Offers a wide range of data sources and forwarding targets (Kafka/Oracle/Mongle/Influx/...), with customizable forwarding format.

  • Digit twin Space

    Support 2D/3D visualisation plug-in,100+ models are ready to be use, and develop the digit twin space.

  • Data Acquisition

    Setting device information, such as connection information, collection interval, timeout, and whether to collect only changed data. Collected attribute values can be displayed on the device topology map.

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