Streamlining operating room workflows
iVideOR is an OR integration solution which redefines the experience. Designed to simplify the medical video management process, iVideOR allows healthcare professionals to livestream surgeries, record procedures, and manage captured video data from a centralized location. Start Working with iVideOR, optimizing pre-op to post-op workflows and enhancing patient care now.
Increased focus on patients
Supports a safe hygienic, and streamlined OR
Customizable layouts
Increase OR uptime
iVideOR Solutions cater to diverse applications
iVideOR Solutions
iVideOR is an OR integration solution which redefines the OR experience from pre-op to post-op. The seamless and intuitive interface integrated with Video-over-IP technology allows users to route any image source to any destination instantly without re-attachment of equipment or interruption of surgery.

HIPAA and GDPR Compliance

Advantech's iVideOR Solutions comply with HIPAA regulations in the United States and GDPR in Europe. The solutions provide a secure environment for healthcare organizations to manage and protect patient data effectively.